Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Ross Thompson                                                                                      1/28/13
Web Design                                                                                           Website Purpose

                                Before people create websites they should ask themselves the simple question as to why they are starting a website. Most people have different reasons towards why they have started a website, but they all can be grouped together under entertainment. Websites main reason is to provide entertainment for their researchers. Some websites main purposes are to generate business and revenue for their company. Starting a website along with a newfound business could be extremely important on your road towards success. If you own a store or are starting a home business it would be significantly helpful for you to start a website advertising your business and what it has to offer. People are online at all times of the day, and they never know what they are going to come across when it comes to advertisements. When creating your own website you need to be quite creative, if your website isn’t going to catch the average web surfer’s eye than they will not visit your site. You need to have a good consistent color scheme that will attract the common eye. Also when beginning to create a website it must be fully functioning. If there are buttons that are supposed to be used as drop downs but it is not fully finished, people will be unsatisfied. People also create websites just for the fun and creativity. A lot of people use tumblr nowadays to simply express their thoughts and creativity. Tumblr is a popular micro blogging platform designed for creative self-expression. It is considered a mindful alternative to Facebook and other social media websites where users blog on a myriad of topics. People with tumblr’s blog about their everyday life and express themselves about a variety of topics going on in the world. But as I mentioned before, business is an extremely popular reason for people to create websites. For marketing reasons, websites are created to lead you to use that business. Certain websites run by businesses today have helpers that will message people when they are surfing that site. For example, on the clothing website Patagonia every single time you look up a product on their site a personal message pops up with a sales executive asking you if you need help. I feel that this is very helpful because it gives the website the feel of an actual store unlike most websites. If you need any help regarding the store or business somebody is there to walk you through it and explain it. I believe that the overall purpose for creating a website is too send a message to anyone on the web. Whether you are creating it from a business perspective or just to simply express your thoughts on your own personal website, I believe people just want to get their point across. I also feel that your website will correlate with what type of person you are. The background, layout, color scheme, and reason for your website all go hand in hand with what time of person you are.

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