Thursday, February 28, 2013


today mo said our blog is the "backbone" of our grade, wow im quite stoked about this statement. That means all i have to do is just keep writing words in this blog and mo will give me a grade.

Friday, February 22, 2013


i got my website up and it now has a banner, once i finish a navigation bar it will be legit

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

banner vs header

the difference between a banner and a header is that a header is more like a front cover page of a website. It is more like the welcoming display of a website that will lure you towards their site. The banner of a website is used for actually browsing the website and finding things. With drop down bars and different categories to select from a banner is used to make the website function while the header is used more for promoting the website.

Monday, February 4, 2013

whats a pixel

a pixel is a minute area on a display screen, one of many from which an image is composed.

 the pixels of my header are 1240 by 500

Friday, February 1, 2013


today i posted my 10 websites with caption, i also posted my superbowl prediction. Ravens are definitely going to win it all for big Ray

best websites

i like espn because it gives you all of the recent updates on sports and is easy to browse.
apple is a good website because it is completely up to date and has all the newest technology.
google is one of my favorite websites because you can find anything you can think of.
Forbes is an extremely popular website because it has all of the most recent news.
i like because i like lax. its that simple
grooveshark is successful because it can be accessed in any school and you are able to play any song ever invented is great because everyone needs to know the weather.
patagonia is a successful website because most of the shopping is done online.
cnn is legit because its one of the most used websites for recent news.

this websites cool